Cross-continent Management Collaboration

Magnet4Europe is a four-year Horizon 2020 EU-funded project (Grant Agreement 848031) that aims to improve mental health and wellbeing among health professionals in Europe. The project officially started in January 2020 and takes place in six European countries.

Advanced Roles

The Magnet Engagement Hub contains an advanced Role system; consortium members, country leads, twin manager, healthcare professional. When these users are invited in these roles, their features, content, libraries, social networks, etc are personalized with Meplis Role Based Personalization.

70 social Networks

The Magnet Collaboration Hub contains about 70 different social networks. There are Core Consortium member networks, National Networks and Twin Collaboration Networks. All participating 60 European hospitals have been paired with 60 american hospitals to exchange experience and discuss interventions. People only see the networks they are participating in.

Engaging Workspaces

The consortium management team distributes files and news to the different participants according to their roles and makes posts in the networks to guide the projects and follow up on the collaboration between the Twinning Partners.

Upcoming events are also posted on the agenda and the networks. Participants can use private messaging to send messages to specific contacts inside their hub. Managers who are being surveyed can also answer the surveys inside the hub through the Meplis integrated Survey system.  The Application is available for the web and as a mobile application for Android and iOS. 

We thank the Magnet Consortium for allowing us to participate in this amazing project.

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